The Board of Trustees of the City of New York
   The Board of Directors of the Brooklyn College Alumni Association
   The Board of Trusrees of the Brooklyn College Foundation, Inc
The Board of Trustees of the City of New York

Herman Badillo, Chairperson
Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Vice Chairperson
Satish K. Babbar
John J. Calandra
Kenneth E. Cook
The Rev. Michael C. Crimmins
Alfred E. Curtis, Jr.
Ronald J. Marino
Randy M. Mastro
John Morning
Kathleen M. Pesile
George J. Rios
Nilda Soto Ruiz
Jeffrey Wiesenfeld
Md. Mizanoor R. Biswas (ex officio)
Bernard Sohmer (ex officio)
Genevieve Mullin, Secretary of the Board
Roy P. Moskowitz, Acting General Counsel and
    Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs

Chancellor of The City University of New York
Matthew Goldstein
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The Board of Directors of the Brooklyn College Alumni Association

The Brooklyn College Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Affairs 
provide services and programs for Brooklyn College alumni. These include
the support of educational and social programs for regional chapters, classes, professional
and cultural affiliate groups, and the issuing of ID cards that enable alumni to 
use selected resources of the college. 

Marie Falsetti Alexander, ’73
Anthony Alexis, ’96
Jeffrey Ben-Zvi, ’79
Josephine Bolus, ’86
Harriet Brathwaite, ’59
Brian J. Burstin, ’78
Chone Naing Chen, ’81
George Edelman, ’42
Agnes Ford, ’69
Hilary A. Gold, ’55
Marcia I. Goldman, ’57
Sondra Cherkis Graber, ’60
Ira Harkavy, ’51
Deborah Cumberbatch Howard, ’73
Merrill Krinick Krell, ’68
Carmine Lengua, ’71
Arlene Lichterman, ’53
Steve G. Little, ’77
Giancarlo Malchiodi, M.F.A.,’95
Helene Garbow Mandel, ’50
Alice Ginsberg Margolis, ’43
Rochelle Leventhal Moss, ’59
Gregory Peterkin, ’95
Samuel Rabinoff, ’49
Laurence Reiss, ’93
Arthur Riegel, ’59
Harriet Levy Rosenblum, ’76
Martin P. Schreibman, ’56
Helen Kreiman Schwartz, ’40
Ronald Schweiger, ’70
Helen Zegerman Schwimmer, ’69
Malcolm Sellinger, ’53
Jeffrey S. Sigler, ’92
Stanley L. Simon, ’73
Sheldon C. Thaler, ’57
Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53, President
Arnold Weiss, ’54
Ella Friedman Weiss, ’62

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The Board of Trusrees of the Brooklyn College Foundation, Inc
    The Brooklyn College Foundation, Inc., was established in 1958 as
 a registered not-for-profit corporation. The foundation raises funds to promote
 the academic purposes of Brooklyn College of The City University of New York and 
the educational welfare of its students in their relations with each other, the members
of the faculty, the alumni, and the community.

Marcus Alexis, ’53
Sam E. Beller, ’59
Walter S. Berman, ’65
Donald Buchwald, ’59
Edwin H. Cohen, ’62
James Fantaci, ’68
Clifford J. Friedman, ’48
George Friedman, ’56
Richard F. Gaccione, ’68
Bernard H. Garil, ’62
Allan Gibofsky, ’69
Stanley Goldstein, ’59
Barbara E. Kydd Graves, ’57
Jules Haimovitz, ’71
Frances A. Hess
Saul B. Katz, ’60
Christoph M. Kimmich
Murray Koppelman, ’57
Donald Kramer, ’58
Herbert Kurz, ’41
Michael Lynne, ’61
Daniel M. Lyons, ’39
Morris Mark, ’61
John J. McDonald, ’51
Wilma Sternberg Mooney, ’69
Harold Moskowitz
Lisette Nieves, ’92
Carmen A. Pacheco, ’81
Madelon Leventhal Rand, ’64
Jack Rimmer, ’46
Martin D. Sass, ’63
Irwin Schneiderman, ’43
Ellen M. Sills-Levy, ’63
Mel Silverman, ’42
Zachary Solomon, ’57, Chairperson
Alexander M. Tanger, ’41
George A. Thompson, ’95
Thomas R. Tizzio, ’62
Morton Topfer, ’59
Leonard Tow, ’50
Rochelle Udell, ’66
Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53
Bertram Fields, ’42, Emeritus