On Tuesday, Nov. 28, Brooklyn College, along with all other City University of New York (CUNY) institutions, is preparing for #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving. This global campaign takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, and was created to counterbalance the consumerism of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” with a call for philanthropy and community outreach.

This is the college’s second year of participation and the goal is to surpass the $21,000 raised last year and engage and activate the #BCfamily to participate in some way during the 24-hour giving challenge. This multifaceted campaign will get the word out to faculty, staff, students, friends, and over 137,000 alumni through e-mail and social media campaigns.

Funds raised from Giving Tuesday will go to support the Annual Fund, a vital Brooklyn College Foundation program that is graciously sustained by thousands of donations averaging about $50. Support from the Annual Fund helps the college continue to create a complete and fulfilling college experience by providing the resources needed to immediately respond to the urgent and evolving needs of the students, faculty, and campus.

“The Annual Fund is built on the collective goodwill of our alumni and friends, and we want them to know that the Annual Fund is something they belong to and should feel a connection to, just like they belong to and feel a connection to this campus,” says Patty Allen, associate director of the Annual Fund.

“Giving to the Annual Fund is an easy way to support student success,” Beth Levine, associate executive director of the Brooklyn College Foundation said. “And Giving Tuesday provides a way for us to reach an even larger audience, bringing us all together as one.”

There are many ways to support Brooklyn College beyond Giving Tuesday. Alumni and friends receive print and digital mailings from the foundation throughout the year, and may even receive a phone call from students during the annual phone-a-thon. Donors can participate by joining the Boylan Society, a monthly sustainer program; purchasing a Commemorative Brick and leave behind a lasting legacy at Brooklyn College; or making a one-time gift online. Additionally, there are opportunities to designate gifts for specific purposes, such as scholarships, awards, prizes, internships, travel funds, research fellowships, or departmental discretionary funds; or to make a planned gift as through a will, trust, or retirement plan.

To learn more about the various donor options available or to learn more about the impact that giving has on our students, please visit the Brooklyn College Foundation website.

The Brooklyn College Foundation was established in 1958 to encourage and promote the academic purposes of Brooklyn College of The City University of New York and the educational welfare of students, faculty, alumni, and the community. Through a full spectrum of fundraising programs, the foundation provides resources that advance the mission of Brooklyn College.