Personal Information Change Policy

Personal Data Change Requests

You can request to change personal information such as name, gender, address, telephone number, and Social Security number in your Brooklyn College record by submitting the Personal Data Change Request Form (PDF) along with the original required documentation to the Enrollment Services Center (102 West Quad Center).

Some personal information items that require documentation to be submitted with the form:

  • Documented Name Change / Correction of Documented Name: photo ID and one of the following: marriage certificate, passport, birth certificate, Social Security card, divorce decree, or court order. Note that middle names are not displayed in CUNYfirst and do not appear on official printed documents.
  • Date of Birth Correction: photo ID and the original (or official replacement/duplicate) birth certificate.
  • Social Security Number Change / Correction: photo ID and the originally issued (or official replacement/duplicate) Social Security card.
  • Permanent Address Change / Correction: Utility bills, other formal postal mail, a New York State–issued driver’s license or a non-driver’s ID. Changes to other address types (home, mailing, billing) do not require documentation and can be accomplished in Self-Service in CUNYfirst.

Court-Ordered Name Changes

The existing policy with respect to student name changes provides:

RESOLVED, that where names have been changed by court order, all transcripts of records and official statements by the colleges with respect to students or graduates of the schools shall incorporate only the official name as changed by said court order, unless otherwise specifically requested in writing. (CUNY BOT Feb 6, 1940 (cal #6)).

Such a court order may arise in a number of different contexts, including a name change proceeding an adoption proceeding, a divorce decree, a gender reassignment,* or a witness protection program. For this purpose, a marriage certificate should also be treated like a court order.

In all such cases, you are entitled to change your records to reflect the new or resumed name in accordance with the court order. To obtain the change, you must show an original or certified copy of the order. Thereafter, only your new name should be reflected on all transcripts, diplomas, and other records issued by the college unless you request in writing that his or her transcript and/or diploma include a reference to his or her former name (e.g., John Doe, formerly known as John Roe).

For record-keeping purposes, your name change request and court order should be kept in the student’s file, along with the date of the name change and the student’s former name. The college must strictly comply with the terms of the court order. For example, a court-ordered name change made as a result of an adoption proceeding, gender reassignment, or as part of a witness protection program may require that the previous name be sealed from the public.

When you have changed your name in this manner and request a new diploma reflecting the new name, the college should issue a new diploma once you have turned in the old diploma. In the event that a diploma has been lost or destroyed, a new diploma identified as a duplicate diploma may be issued to the student without evidence of such loss or destruction.†

Other Name Changes

Preferred Name

CUNYfirst Instructions: How to Update Your Preferred Name (PDF)

CUNY recognizes the importance of a name change. A preferred name is not a legal name but is generally used to change how others refer to the student. For example, student Jonathan Doe may prefer the name John or student Mary Jane Doe may want to be referred to as Mary Jane or Jane, rather than Mary. Note that preferred names are not limited to variations of a student’s legal name; for example, student Jennifer may request the preferred name David due to a change in gender identity and be unable to present the documents necessary to secure a court-ordered or common-law name change. Students may use a preferred name on all documents and records other than official documents. Documents and records that may display a preferred name include course rosters, student identification cards, and student e-mail addresses as well as honors, awards, and prizes issued by the university. A preferred name will not be reflected on a student’s diploma or transcript.

Changes Due to Typographical Errors

When a student requests a name change due to a typographical or other error in university records, the request should be granted after verification that the name change is due to such error. Documents that can assist the college in making this determination include any of the documents listed above as appropriate for a common-law name change.


* Students should be free to change their gender on all prior, present, and future college records at their discretion. A student’s gender is not included on any official documents and is generally collected for statistical purposes only.

† A board policy on the issuance of duplicate diplomas adopted on October 23, 1929 (Minutes, p. 384), is limited to lost or destroyed diplomas. It provides:

That in cases where diplomas are lost or destroyed, the deans that have pedagogical supervision over the courses leading to such diplomas shall be empowered to conduct inquiries and take testimony. Upon reaching the conclusion that such diplomas were unavoidably lost or destroyed and that applications for duplicates are made in good faith, the deans may in their discretion, subject to the approval of the Board, have prepared, signed, and issued such duplicate diplomas which shall be clearly marked duplicate.

Brooklyn. All in.