Dance Classes

Dance students are placed according to age and level of experience. During the first three weeks of class, teachers carefully evaluate each student to make sure that the class is the appropriate level. Instructors may suggest class change in some cases. Students have the opportunity to perform during the school year.


The Classical Ballet curriculum is designed as a sequential course of study. Each level involves a specific set of skills. At the end of the year, teachers write student evaluations including recommendations for the following year’s study. Parents of students who have not studied the previous year at the Prep Center should request an evaluation at the beginning of the year to ensure the correct placement.

Itty-Bitty Ballet (Ages 3–5)

First ballet class, providing a warm and nurturing environment to encourage the child’s love for learning ballet. Students learn to translate verbal instruction into physical action. Development of physical skills through rhythmic and coordination exercises. An introduction to ballet terminology and steps (45 minutes weekly).

Ballet Basics (Ages 5.5–7)

The first class in the Prep Center’s progressive Classical Ballet curriculum. Emphasis is placed upon building the foundation for a sound ballet technique through warm-up exercises and correct body alignment. Students learn how to work within the structure of traditional ballet classes. Learning correct ballet terminology is also emphasized (45 minutes weekly).

Ballet A (Ages 6–10)

One year of Ballet Basics or Pre-Ballet is required for students ages five to six. Ballet or dance experience recommended but not required for students ages seven to nine (60 minutes weekly).

Ballet B (Ages 7–12)

Minimum of three years of ballet training required (60 minutes weekly).

Ballet C (Ages 9–14)

Minimum of four years of ballet training required (60 minutes weekly).

Ballet D (Ages 11–16)

Minimum of five years of ballet training required (60 minutes weekly).

Beginners Ballet (Ages 10 and Up)

Designed for older students with no previous dance experience who have an interest in studying ballet (60 minutes weekly).

Contemporary Dance

Contemporary Dance (Ages 8 and Up)

Contemporary dance offers a mix of the basic principles of ballet technique and contemporary movement. Students learn proper placement and articulation of the joints in warm-up exercises, along with a sense of balance and centering of the torso. Students explore shape, use of space, movement dynamics, and structured improvisation in individual group exercises. No prior dance experience necessary (60 minutes weekly).

Combination Classes

Dance Combo I (Ages 3–5)

While encouraging the child’s exploration of ballet, jazz, and tap, children develop their motor skills and coordination. Students learn to translate verbal instruction into physical action. For families who want their children to have an introduction to different dance styles (60 minutes weekly).

Dance Combo II (Ages 6–8)

Similar curriculum to Dance Combo I, tailored to older children. Through the exploration of ballet, jazz, and tap, children develop their motor skills and coordination. Students learn to translate verbal instruction into physical action. For families who want their children to have an introduction to different dance styles (60 minutes weekly).

Hip Hop

Jump and Move (Ages 4–7)

This class introduces students to the hip hop style of dance while developing their rhythm, balance, coordination, and strength. Students learn fun warm-up exercises and combinations. No prior dance experience necessary (45 mins weekly).

Hip Hop (AgeS 8 and Up)

Students work on the individualized dance steps, combinations, and improvisational elements that make up urban dance. Warm-ups include strength and articulation, while combinations focus on rhythm and style. A high-energy class that doesn’t require any prior dance experience (60 minutes weekly).


Beginner’s Tap (AgeS 5 and Up)

Designed for children who have never studied tap dancing and are interested in trying it out. This class emphasizes basic tap steps and fundamentals of rhythm, including essential combinations and their importance to the art of tap dance. No prior dance experience necessary (45 minutes weekly).

Dress Requirements for All Dance Classes

  • Itty-Bitty Ballet: leotard, tights, and ballet shoes (any color). Sweat pants, loose shirts, and ballet shoes also accepted.
  • Ballet Basics and all other Ballet classes: black or pink leotards, black or pink tights, and pink leather ballet shoes. Skirts are optional. (Oversized clothing and jewelry are not permitted.)
  • Contemporary Dance: all-black leotards, footless tights, leggings, shorts, t-shirts or tanks. Bare feet. (Oversized clothing and jewelry are not permitted.)
  • Combo Classes, Jump and Move, Hip Hop, and Tap: comfortable clothing, sneakers, and tap shoes (tap and combo classes only).

Brooklyn. All in.