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Ethyle R. Wolfe Institute for the Humanities 2022-23: Home


2022-2023 Theme: Constructing Belonging

Faculty from across multiple schools alongside student members of the Wolfe Institute Board convened to choose the 2022-2023 Wolfe Institute theme from numerous submissions. The consensus for the theme was Constructing Belonging, the connecting of two theme submissions. The idea of belonging was suggested by some faculty members while the theme of constructing was submitted by a student. The reasoning behind both was a sort of anxiety caused by the changes we are experiencing, the difficulties of having to construct a new way of simply existing in-person. It also stands as a call to action, a call to think about our communities and our roles within them: What are we building around us? Who are we building it for? How can we make others know that they belong?

About This Guide

This bibliography is a work-in-progress and was created by Prof. Helen Georgas in support of the Wolfe Institute's 2022-2023 Hess Scholar-in-Residence program, Faculty Fellow program, and the Faculty Reading Group. The bibliography links to resources (books, articles, streaming video) that are available online to the Brooklyn College community (faculty, staff, students) via the Library's collections. It is a *selected* bibliography, and is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all works by these authors and event panelists or the subjects about which they write. If, however, there are additional resources in our collections (or freely available online) that you would like to have included here, please reach out!


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Helen Georgas
Brooklyn College Library
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210