Personal and Professional Development Seminars

The CUNY EDGE personal and professional development seminars teach CUNY students techniques to succeed in college and beyond. Focused on career, academic, and personal topics, the seminars provide information, stimulate critical thinking, and encourage reflection. Students who attend at least 50% of the seminars will receive a campus bookstore or cafeteria voucher.

Bi-weekly job readiness preparation workshops focus on topics including résumé preparation, interview techniques, and professionalism. These workshops are separate from the seminars. HRA Work-Study students are required to attend the job readiness sessions (but workshops are open to all CUNY EDGE students).

Promotion of Academic Excellence

CUNY EDGE promotes a culture of academic excellence by referring students to tutoring services. We also provide limited tuition support for intersession and summer classes. To qualify for intersession tuition, students must attend advisement sessions and participate in personal and professional development seminars.

Brooklyn. All in.