The Thesis
An original research project of 50 to 70 pages, the theis is based on an argument and research on a major issue in international or comparative politics. Students have tackled a wide range of subjects, ranging from women's rights in Africa to political conflict in the Middle East to climate change in China. In selection a subject, the most important consideration is to choose an issue in which you are interested. It can be based on your course work, future plans, or general interest.
Writing an original project with in-depth analysis is excellent preparation for professional or graduate work. It helps applications for both graduate work and professional positions stand out, and is good preparation for studying law and other fields by providing solid experience in conducting research and developing original analyses. Finally, theses provide students with the distinction that leads to the department's prestigious awards for graduates, such as the Patricia Ruffin Memorial Award in International Affairs.
Master's students in political science and international affairs who have completed at least 21 credits are eligible to write a thesis.